I went to a lot of different food events, openings and parties during 2011 in and around Vancouver and these are the standouts of the year.
1) Chewies Opening was the best restaurant opening of the year.
2) Ocean Wise Seafood Chowder Chowdown was the most entertaining event at the coolest venue that brought together some of the cities best chefs, restaurants and breweries.
3) Black & Blue Restaurant Opening was one of the most fun events of 2011 with cocktails flowing and appetizers.
4) 2011 Gold Medal Plates was the most amazing gastronomic experience.
5) Thierry Opening was the sweetest opening of the year with amazing desserts, wine and appetizers
6) Feast of Fields at Krause Berry Farms was the best afternoon of eating and drinking in the outdoors.
7) Chefs Table Dinner Party that Earls Hornby held for me and Vancouver Foodster contest winners.
8 ) Best of the West was the best food event in the best location imaginable on the wharf at Ambelside in West Van
9) Dish N Dazzle was the best food, wine and cocktail event from some of Vancouver’s finest chefs, and bartenders.
10) Summer Splash at Goldfish was the most fun event of 2011 with delicious food and festivities.
11) A Night at the Aquarium was the most incredible evening of food from some of Vancouver’s finest chefs and wine in the city’s most spectacular venue.
12) Spring Party at Miku Restaurant serving outstanding seafood.
By: Richard Wolak