Vancouver Culinary Fest August 1 – September 30

In recognition of our Vancouver Foodster 15th Anniversary, we are launching our inaugural festival August 1 – September 30, 2024 that features a selection of food related events that include cooking classes, food tours, talks and more.

Summer Burger Festival – August 1-31 — this is a non-ticketed event that celebrates burgers at a selection of restaurants around Metro Vancouver.

Vancouver Dumpling Fest – September 4 — Join us and tantalize your taste buds at several restaurants in Vancouver to taste different kinds of dumplings at this dinner event.

Northern Vietnamese Cooking Class – September 9 – Vancouver Culinary Fest presents a Northern Vietnamese Cooking Demo and Dinner with Chef Cherry Pham of Crab Hot Lau.

North Vancouver Tasting Tour – September 11 – Join us for a tasting tour at a selection of restaurants and food spots in North Vancouver.

Tasting Plates Commercial Drive – September 18 – Join us and explore the Commercial Drive neighborhood and area at a selection of restaurants on this tour.

Tasting Plates Westend — September 25 – Join us and explore the Westend neighborhood at selection of restaurants and food spots on this walkable tour.

Additional events may be added at a later date.

By: Richard Wolak