I recently came across a new hot sauce that’s produced here in Vancouver called Saus. I’ve never been a fan of hot sauces as I’m not a fan of spicy food, I actually thought they were all really hot and would take the flavours away from the dish that I was enjoying. As I have discovered Saus isn’t at all what I feared, it is a plant-based sauce that enhances the dishes and ingredients. Seamus Dixon (founder) explained it as a slow burn; and it’s not overly hot. After talking to him and finding out that he is also one of the co-founders of Brgr Brgr, a restaurant that I had visited in Abbotsford last summer; I was then curious to learn more about the sauce and get it in my hands so to speak to taste it.

Over the past few months, I had been making tacos at home for lunch or dinner with a mole sauce from Mexico; so I thought of changing things up and one day I added some of his Saus instead of the Mole and it was very tasty. I also dipped my grilled cheese into some of the Saus which also tasted great, I then added some of the Saus to some cooked vegetables and the sauce enhanced those veggies perfectly.
Saus is made with plant-based ingredients that includes espresso, harissa, urfa biber, and more; it is also glutenfree.
You can also order directly from his website for $19.95. You can find them on instagram @wearesaus
By: Richard Wolak