October is the time of the year to celebrate the bounty of the harvest, there all sorts of foods to do so, here are some eats and drinks that I have had recently in and outside Vancouver worth your tasting and celebration.
Pumpkin Spice Donuts
Joey Restaurants
Twitter: @joey_vancouver
Multiple Locations
Baked Yam Smoothie
The Juice Truck
Twitter: @juicetruck
Abbott & Water in Gastown
Quebec Maple Sugar Pie with maple bourbon filling, and walnut ice cream
The Flying Pig
Twitter: @FlyingPigVan
1168 Hamilton Street in Yaletown
Baked Apple Dumpling
The Oakwood
Twitter: @theoakwoodkits
2741 West 4th Avenue in Kitsilano
Caramel Apple Tarts
Wendy Boys/Cocolico
Twitter: @wendychocolate
Carrot Cake Whoopie Pies
Pure Bread Whistler
Twitter: @PureBreadwhis
1040 Millar Creek Road in Whistler.
By: Richard Wolak