Tag: Marquis Wine Cellars

#vanfoodster6yr Contest #3

To celebrate our 6th anniversary, Vancouver Foodster is giving away tasty experiences, lunches, dinners and such to some of the top restaurants around the Vancouver area with several contests running for 6 weeks. Here is your chance to enter to…

BC Wine Picks for the Holidays

I asked John Clerides, Proprietor of Marquis Wine Cellars for his BC Wine picks for this holiday season. Here are a selection of his favourites for this 2014 festive season. BUBBLE No festive occasion is complete without bubbles. Bella Sparkling…

Marquis Wine Cellars

1034 Davie St, Vancouver Phone: (604) 684-0445 Web: http://www.marquis-wines.com/ Twitter: @MarquisWineCell Advice:  Open 11am-9pm daily. This fall Owner John Clerides unveiled his new wine store after close to a year of construction that doubled the size of the existing store….

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Vancouver Foodster