Tag: Frozen Yogurt

First Taste of Krave Kulture Yogurt

With their focus as a craft yogurt shop, they opened their shop in the Edgemont Village neighbourhood 2 months ago. Founded by Kamran Naghibzadeh and his wife Moji Shabani who both live in the neighbourhood with their family. They know…


820 Homer Street, Vancouver Tel: (604) 568-6500 Web: www.footocroissant.com Twitter: @FootoDelights Advice: Watch for their daily Croissant specials. Specializing in Croissants, Footo “Fresh out of the Oven” makes just that plain and filled croissants all day long! Owner Brenda Yip learned…


  UPDATED 3/4/12 BUSINESS HAS CLOSED 1116 Denman, Vancouver Tel: 604-801-6338 Web: http://qoola.com Twitter: @qoola Advice: ask for a sample. Frozen yogurt is the draw here, with 4 flavours to choose from including their original, chocolate, green tea and.a monthly…

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