I met Head Chef Matthias Groschupf today at Saxony House where he described some of the menu items being served during the Olympics. The menu in Vancouver is the very same menu that they offered for the Olympics in Torino, seems that certain items are already more popular in Vancouver. The most popular item on the menu is the #02 Traditional Grilled Sausage from the Ore Mountains that is served with Saurkraut and is sold outside on the patio deck as well as inside during the day and night. Their Wernesgruner beer is from Wernesgrin in Saxony and this beer has been very popular amongst the visitors to Saxony House.
I have tried a variety of dishes including the #09 Roast Haunch of Venison with forest mushrooms, cherry red cabbage and saxon dumpling along with the Sauerkraut. #10 Home-made Apple Pie and Plum Cake #11 Wild Berry Jelly #12 “Ardappelklitscher” (potato patties) with apple puree and the #13 Buttermilk “Getzen” a traditional bake of sour milk and potato with blueberry.
Chef Matthias told me that the Sauerkraut has been very popular more so than he had expected, I think it is popular because it is so good. I managed to obtain the ingredients list which includes sauerkraut, onions, carrots, bacon, sugar, salt, pepper and marjoram.
All the desserts are delicious, I have tried them all during the last two visits and my favourites are the #11 Wild Berry Jelly and the #10 Plum Cake.
Saxony House is located at the Rowing Club in Stanley Park and is open daily from 12 noon thru 2 am through the Olympics.
By: Richard Wolak