Welcome to the Vancouver Foodster Sandwich Challenge. Restaurants from all over the city were invited to enter their Sandwich creations into this challenge. Each restaurant will be featuring their Sandwich creations on their menu from November 1 – 25, 2018.
How Does this all Work? For the public challenge, you are invited to go out and order any or all of the sandwich creations in this challenge, then you decide who you think has the best sandwich creation for the People’s Choice award winners.
Share your experiences: Tweet (and don’t forget to tweet or instagram your photos) throughout the challenge, our twitter and instagram address is @vanfoodster and the hashtag is #SandwichChallengeYVR please include this hashtag in all your tweets during the challenge.
Voting criteria – some things to help you judge your favourite sandwich creations – keep these things in mind: originality, creativity, uniqueness, traditional, non-traditional, price, value and most importantly taste.
Get some friends together and make a day or night of it, visit 2 places or more to share and taste the different sandwich creations or go solo or with a friend– just remember to VOTE for your favourites
Here are the sandwich creations in this challenge, listed in no particular order other than when they were received by us.
Heirs Pears

The Piri Piri Vegan Chicken Club
The Piri Piri Vegan Chicken Club
Price: $9.50
Created by: Chef Simon Conway
DESCRIPTION: Roasted seasoned and marinated jack fruit, tossed in a salad of green onion, grannysmith apple, celery, parsley, cilantro, vegan mayo and piri piri sauce. Served on a toasted vegan gluten free ciabatta bun with mango chutney, tempeh bacon and tempeh paté, crispy lettuce, topped with hot sauce and spiced walnuts
Offered: Lunch and dinner
Heirs Pears
605 Nelson Street, Vancouver
Tel: (604) 682-7327
Instagram @heirspears
Lotus Seed Vegetarian Restaurant

Sunny Pâté Sandwich
Sunny Pâté Sandwich
Price: $11.95
Created by: Chef Van
Description: Organic Focaccia bread with our homemade sunflower seeds pâté .Fresh slices of avocado ,tomato , cucumber , romaine heart , pickle jalapeno,& daiya cheese (contains organic tofu )
Offered: Lunch and dinner
Lotus Seed Vegetarian Restaurant
736 West Broadway, Vancouver
Tel: (604) 563-3368
Web: http://lotusseed.ca/
Instagram @lotusseedvegetarian
Saj & Co.

Oh My Nietzsche
Oh My Nietzsche
Price: $
Created by: Chef Malek Anouti
Description: After the first bite one will start to believe in Nietzsche. On freshly baked unleavened whole-wheat Saj, a yellow cream of ginger and squash dip, zaatar of course since im lebanese, beets for the love, kale and spinach for vancouverites, pickles for no reason, crispy chickpeas for fun, halloumi for an aphrodisiac sensation and a sparkle of Orange for fun as well.
Offered: lunch and dinner
Saj & Co.
813 Davie Street, Vancouver
Web: http://sajandco.ca/
Twitter: @Sajnco
Instagram: @sajandco
Our Media judges for this challenge are:
Tara Lee
Writer for Inside Vancouver and other publications.
Twitter: @VanGlutton
Instagram: @VanGlutton
Ed Lau
Writer and Photographer for Eds Eats and other publications.
Twitter: @edlau
Instagram @edlauphoto
Deanna Woo
Blogger and Instagrammer
Instagram @deannawoo
Make sure you pick up one of the Sandwich Challenge postcards available at each of the participating restaurants and keep a record of your favourites. Remember to Vote for your favourites from November 1-25, 2018 https://vancouverfoodster.com/sandwich-challenge/