Tag: East Van


1190 Victoria Drive, Vancouver Tel: 604-336-1803 Web: http://viateverepizzeria.com/ Twitter: @ViaTeverePizza Advice: No reservations, closed on Mondays. From the moment I walked in to Via Tevere I was captivated by the warmth of the room, it’s as if the restaurant has…

New Dishes Tasting at Fray

I revisited the Fray recently for dinner along with my friend Alvin to try some of their new dishes. Started off with the Rosemary Chips ($5.50) Super Food Salad ($11.95) BC Beet Salad ($9.95) Mountainview Burger ($10.95) Fraser Street Porker ($9.95)…

Brunch: Carl Bessai at Fray

Brunch is a favourite past time shared by many and should be an extraordinary experience, one that you will cherish. Vancouver has some wonderful places for brunch. Each of the places I visit is unique for what is offered along…

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Vancouver Foodster

Vancouver Foodster