Tag: Big Rock Urban Eatery

Interview with Chef Alex Newton

Vancouver is home to some of the best chefs in the world, many have worked for the top chefs and restaurants around the world as well as around the city. Dishing with the Chefsis a series of Interviews with some…


UPDATED – BUSINESS HAS CLOSED 310 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver Tel: 604-708-8311 Web: http://bigrockurban.com/ Twitter @BRUeateryYVR Advice: Takes reservations, walk-ins welcome. Located on the Western edge of Olympic Village, close to the Canada-line station, it’s a large brewpub dining hall…

Big Rock Urban Brewery Opening

Last night, I attended the opening party at Big Rock Urban Brewery in the Mount Pleasant neighborhood close to the Olympic Village station. The brewery is a beauty and it is quite the operation, along with a large restaurant and…

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Vancouver Foodster

Vancouver Foodster